Would you like earning easy cash while being on your favourite social media site all day? Wait, that’s possible! Yes! The Youth Empowerment Society of The BESC organised a 5 day workshop on Digital marketing, to open up career avenues for students in the online world. This unique initiative took place in collaboration with Mr. PramodMaloo, who is a graduate from our own college and has carved a niche for himself in the field of Online marketing services, of which many of us still remain unaware.
The workshop dwelled on the idea of giving youngsters an insight about the functioning of the virtual world and how to make it large in life the unconventional way. Mr. Pramod Maloo, Head of kreativemachinez.com had an interaction with the students on the very first day and designed the entire course structure as per the interests of the students. On the first day, students were introduced to the budding concepts of online reputation management, search engine optimization, pop-up ads and so on. Then relevant topics were decided upon in consultation with the entire class on the topics to be covered over the next 4 days. On the second day, students practically learnt how to set up advertisement campaigns on Google and the importance of keywords in the digital world. New concepts like Pay per Click advertising (PPC) and Bid management were introduced. In the following days, intriguing topics like Social Media marketing and E-commerce were elaborated. Students were taught how to create pages on Facebook and then use them for commercial purposes. Mr. Maloo also entertained the class by showing a wonderful Mob video his team had done in support of the Kolkata Knight Riders, which became very popular on YouTube. He told the students that the secret to popularity on the internet lies in the use of keywords and basic common sense. E-commerce sites and their functioning were explained in great detail the next day. From buying domain names to handling the websites using backhand platforms, everything was pointed out practically in class. Working on a student friendly idea of Prof. Dilip Shah, Mr. Maloo and the students booked a domain ‘ecollegestreet.com‘ live in the class. Mr. Maloo also volunteered to work with the students on this unique initiative which aims at offering study materials at cheaper rates.
The final day of the seminar was based on the idea of earning money online. The speaker shared his personal story on how he started out in this field and enlightened the students about various activities like blogging, affiliate marketing, online reputation management and so on which offer good prospects to youngsters with a creative mind.
The class cheered with joy as certificates were distributed by the speaker upon successful completion of the seminar. Although the seminar came to an end, a new project named ‘ecollege street.in‘ came into being. Well that’s the specialty of the folks at The Bhawanipur Educational Society College – An end leading to a new beginning. Always!
BESC Campus. November 19, 2019. A fashionista is a soul that is devoted to all things fashion and fashionable, designer, a draper, a dabbler in haute couture. Going by the definition, the annual ode to fashion, tribute paid by The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) could not have been more aptly named. For dressed after …
The Bull’s Eye Collective of the Bhawanipur Education Society College had organised a five day workshop on Capital Market titled ‘ The Secrets of Capital Market ‘ from 7th September to 11th September. About 200 students participated in the workshop which included about 100 students from Commerce Plus diploma course.
The Weather was Perfect. The college turf arena was barricaded with fences. Professors paced around the corridors dressed in sports jersey. Though it was a Sunday, the campus was noisy and beaming with liveliness. It isn’t difficult to figure out what’s being spoken of here. It’s none other than the most awaited tournament of the …
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~ Maya Angelou Stories are wonderful pieces of prose that enable us to make sense of our world and pass on knowledge and value to ourselves as well as to future generations. Keeping this in mind a fiction writing competition was conducted by …
Digital Marketing Workshop 2014
Date: 25th August to 29th August, 2014
Students: 98
Minting Money: The Digital Way!
Would you like earning easy cash while being on your favourite social media site all day? Wait, that’s possible! Yes! The Youth Empowerment Society of The BESC organised a 5 day workshop on Digital marketing, to open up career avenues for students in the online world. This unique initiative took place in collaboration with Mr. PramodMaloo, who is a graduate from our own college and has carved a niche for himself in the field of Online marketing services, of which many of us still remain unaware.
The workshop dwelled on the idea of giving youngsters an insight about the functioning of the virtual world and how to make it large in life the unconventional way. Mr. Pramod Maloo, Head of kreativemachinez.com had an interaction with the students on the very first day and designed the entire course structure as per the interests of the students. On the first day, students were introduced to the budding concepts of online reputation management, search engine optimization, pop-up ads and so on. Then relevant topics were decided upon in consultation with the entire class on the topics to be covered over the next 4 days. On the second day, students practically learnt how to set up advertisement campaigns on Google and the importance of keywords in the digital world. New concepts like Pay per Click advertising (PPC) and Bid management were introduced. In the following days, intriguing topics like Social Media marketing and E-commerce were elaborated. Students were taught how to create pages on Facebook and then use them for commercial purposes. Mr. Maloo also entertained the class by showing a wonderful Mob video his team had done in support of the Kolkata Knight Riders, which became very popular on YouTube. He told the students that the secret to popularity on the internet lies in the use of keywords and basic common sense. E-commerce sites and their functioning were explained in great detail the next day. From buying domain names to handling the websites using backhand platforms, everything was pointed out practically in class. Working on a student friendly idea of Prof. Dilip Shah, Mr. Maloo and the students booked a domain ‘ecollegestreet.com‘ live in the class. Mr. Maloo also volunteered to work with the students on this unique initiative which aims at offering study materials at cheaper rates.
The final day of the seminar was based on the idea of earning money online. The speaker shared his personal story on how he started out in this field and enlightened the students about various activities like blogging, affiliate marketing, online reputation management and so on which offer good prospects to youngsters with a creative mind.
The class cheered with joy as certificates were distributed by the speaker upon successful completion of the seminar. Although the seminar came to an end, a new project named ‘ecollege street.in‘ came into being. Well that’s the specialty of the folks at The Bhawanipur Educational Society College – An end leading to a new beginning. Always!
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