Fees for fail paper(s)

Casual Fee Payment 2019-20

The casual fees payment is applicable to the following category of students:

  1. Students presently studying in semester V & will appear for their Semester IV examination having fail paper/s in Semester II.
  2. Students appeared in Semester VI and cleared the same but has fail papers in Semester 1/2/3/4/5.
  3. Students appeared in Part III having fail papers of Part I / II.

Please note that:  

  1. Students presently studying in Semester 5 can only opt for appearing in their Semester 2 fail paper and not in their Semester I or III fail paper.
  2. Similarly, Students presently studying in Semester 3 cannot opt for appearing in their Semester I fail paper.
  3. Students who have paid casual fees for Part I / Part II fail papers in the year 2019-20 for the supplementary exam are not require to pay the same again. 
  4. For any queries, mail us at scr@thebges.edu.in with subject “Casual Fees”. Please mention your name, UID and Contact number along with your query in the email.