International Women’s Day was observed by the Women’s Cell in collaboration with IQAC of the college in the Jubilee Hall on 8th of March,2022, with great grandeur. The programme constituted of 2 sessions- an academic and a cultural session. The programme commenced from 3:00 p.m., when Prof. Shreya Bhattacharya, Jt. Coordinator, Women’s Cell invited the Teacher in Charge of the college, Dr. Subhabrata Gangopadhyay to offer the welcome address, who in his speech, set the ball rolling for the day.
The academic session began with a lecture on “Women and Social Reforms – A Historical Perspective” by Dr. Bhaswati Chatterjee, Dept. of History, Vidyasagar College. This was followed by another deliberation by Prof. Karan Vora, Dept. of Political Science,B.E.S. College, -“Social Constructs, Real Manifestation”. The lectures were resplendently compered by Prof. Debjani Ganguly,Vice Principal, Arts. She also handled the interactive session where issues like impact of enactment on society and the necessity of overhauling the thought process of all members of the society were brought forward for discussion by the faculties and students.
Thereafter, the IQAC Coordinator, Prof Tathagata Sen welcomed the esteemed guests for the cultural performance and set the stage with a befitting introduction to the cultural programme and its relevance in the context of Women’s Day celebration. The cultural event was performed by Dr. Souraja Tagore, Dept. of English of our college and our honoured guest Smt. Manisha Murali Nair, singer, Rabindrasangeet. They were accompanied by Shri Manoj Murali Nair, Pandit Biplab Mandal and Smt.Arundhuti Roy. In the course of the programme, Dr. Tagore deftly wove the story of the “Sakhees” by which she portrayed the different emotions of women and how we all need to rise above all emotions and embrace the greatest gift of God,i.e., humanity. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Debanjana Chakravarti, Coordinator, Women’s Cell.
Expression is an intrinsic phenomenon of human life. Our forms of expression often leave an indelible mark on the happenings in society. And expression doesn’t have any limitations. Its arena is broad as much as we can extend. The Bhawanipur Education Society College promotes this fundamental notion and hosted a selection for ‘Best out of …
On 22nd September, 2022 (Thursday) BCom Morning Department conducted an open and interactive staff room discussion in Room no. 118 at 10:15 am on The Recent Changes and Developments in Accounting. The discussion was started by Prof. Ankit Patwari, who spoke about the changes in SCHEDULE lll and Prof. Archiman Lahiri, who enlightened everyone about …
A long & healthy lifespan is primarily dependent on one’s level of fitness and with this point of view, the Government of India conceived the idea of “FIT India” in 2019. To create awareness about fitness among children, parents, and teachers in schools and higher institutions, a 4 to 6 days in week option was …
The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) envisions the development of faculties and researchers through familiarizing them with recent trends and methodologies of different fields of academia. The Bhawanipur Education Society College has always been keen to reconfigure the perspective of its faculties and students at per development of diverse avenues of knowledge. Recently from 11-20 Dec. …
International Women’s Day Programme
March 8, 2022
International Women’s Day was observed by the Women’s Cell in collaboration with IQAC of the college in the Jubilee Hall on 8th of March,2022, with great grandeur. The programme constituted of 2 sessions- an academic and a cultural session. The programme commenced from 3:00 p.m., when Prof. Shreya Bhattacharya, Jt. Coordinator, Women’s Cell invited the Teacher in Charge of the college, Dr. Subhabrata Gangopadhyay to offer the welcome address, who in his speech, set the ball rolling for the day.
The academic session began with a lecture on “Women and Social Reforms – A Historical Perspective” by Dr. Bhaswati Chatterjee, Dept. of History, Vidyasagar College. This was followed by another deliberation by Prof. Karan Vora, Dept. of Political Science,B.E.S. College, -“Social Constructs, Real Manifestation”. The lectures were resplendently compered by Prof. Debjani Ganguly,Vice Principal, Arts. She also handled the interactive session where issues like impact of enactment on society and the necessity of overhauling the thought process of all members of the society were brought forward for discussion by the faculties and students.
Thereafter, the IQAC Coordinator, Prof Tathagata Sen welcomed the esteemed guests for the cultural performance and set the stage with a befitting introduction to the cultural programme and its relevance in the context of Women’s Day celebration. The cultural event was performed by Dr. Souraja Tagore, Dept. of English of our college and our honoured guest Smt. Manisha Murali Nair, singer, Rabindrasangeet. They were accompanied by Shri Manoj Murali Nair, Pandit Biplab Mandal and Smt.Arundhuti Roy. In the course of the programme, Dr. Tagore deftly wove the story of the “Sakhees” by which she portrayed the different emotions of women and how we all need to rise above all emotions and embrace the greatest gift of God,i.e., humanity. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Debanjana Chakravarti, Coordinator, Women’s Cell.
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