B.A (Hons)

Journalism & Mass Communication

Emerge job-ready with our undergraduate programme in Journalism & Mass Communication, which is a well-balanced mix of classroom learning and practical applications. By imparting knowledge of the subject and requisite skills and their application in practice, including in-class assignments, the course equips students with diverse proficiencies in various aspects of mass media and communication.

Why should I pursue graduation in Journalism & Mass Communication?

The decision to pursue a graduation degree in any subject has always been a matter of interest, choice, and passion. But with the onset of a hugely competitive market for job opportunities, many new skills and professional courses are introduced. Among them, one subject which is generating several attention and interest is Journalism & Mass Communication. If one has a genuine curiosity about the world, an overriding determination to communicate effectively with a desire to initiate a positive impact, a graduate degree in the field of Journalism & Mass Communication can be a fantastic choice for one’s academic and professional journey.  If one has a passion for storytelling, a desire to keep people informed and an interest in exploring various forms of media, pursuing a B.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication can be a personally fulfilling journey.  

Pursuing a B.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication can be a good choice for several reasons. Here are some of the key benefits that one might consider while enlisting for the course. They are as follows:

  1. Diverse Career Opportunities: After the completion of the graduate program in Journalism & Mass Communication various career opportunities will open in front of them. One can select ample opportunities in various sectors, such as print and digital media, television, radio, public relations, advertising, corporate communication, content writing and content creation, social media management, and more. Thus, allowing one to explore and align their versatile choices and interests with the wide range of career opportunities in the field of media.
  2. Creativity and Innovative Ideas: This course will provide you with ample opportunities to develop strong communication skills. Effective communication is a valuable asset in every aspect of life, henceforth enabling one to convey their ideas clearly and effectively.
  3. Encouraging a creative thought process: Journalism & Mass Communication encourages creativity and innovative thinking. As this course engages its students in learning the art of storytelling, and hands-on experience with media production, and content creation, hence the students will have ample opportunities to encourage them to think outside the box and find unique ways to engage audiences.
  4. Making a difference as a journalist: Journalists often have the power to bring attention to several issues. They advocate positive change in society by highlighting and disseminating several issues and injustices to the public. By pursuing this field, one will have the chance to be part of shaping public opinion and making a difference in the world.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Good networking can significantly enhance one’s job prospects and open doors to exciting opportunities. By pursuing this subject, one will have the chance to build a network of connections with professors, and industry professionals that will eventually help them to get internships.
  6. International Opportunities: A degree in Journalism and Mass Communication can open doors to several international job opportunities and collaboration with media outlets and organizations across the world. 

Why should I pursue graduation in Journalism & Mass Communication?

A graduation (B.A.) degree in Journalism and Mass Communication opens a wide range of career opportunities. One can work as a journalist, news reporter, editor, producer, public relations specialist, media researcher, social media manager, content creator, or communication consultant, among others. The skills and knowledge acquired through this field are transferable to various industries and professions that value effective communication and media literacy.

Career Prospects After Pursuing B.A. Degree in Journalism & Mass Communication

Graduates of Journalism and Mass Communication have a wide range of career prospects across various industries. Here are some potential career paths you can pursue:

  1. Journalism: Graduates can work as journalists for newspapers, magazines, online publications, or broadcast outlets. They can cover a variety of beats such as politics, sports, business, entertainment, or investigative reporting.
  2. Broadcast Media: Opportunities exist in television and radio broadcasting as news anchors, reporters, producers, or video editors. Graduates can work in newsrooms, production studios, or broadcasting companies.
  3. Digital Media: With the growth of online platforms and social media, graduates can explore careers in digital media. They can work as digital content creators, social media managers, digital journalists, or multimedia producers for websites, news portals, or digital media companies.
  4. Public Relations: Graduates can work in public relations agencies or in-house PR departments of organizations. They can handle media relations, create press releases, manage corporate communications, or engage in crisis communication and reputation management.
  5. Advertising: Career opportunities exist in advertising agencies as account executives, copywriters, media planners, or creative directors. Graduates can work on creating advertising campaigns, developing marketing strategies, and managing client accounts.
  6. Corporate Communication: Many companies have dedicated communication departments where graduates can work as communication specialists, internal communication managers, or corporate spokespersons. They can handle internal communication, employee engagement, and external communication efforts.
  7. Media Production: Graduates can pursue careers in media production as producers, directors, scriptwriters, or video editors. They can work in television production, documentary filmmaking, web series production, or multimedia content creation.
  8. Social Media Management: With the rise of social media platforms, graduates can work as social media managers for companies, organizations, or digital marketing agencies. They can develop social media strategies, create engaging content, manage online communities, and analyze social media metrics.
  9. Content Creation and Freelancing: Graduates can explore freelance opportunities as writers, bloggers, podcasters, or YouTubers. They can create their own content, build a personal brand, and collaborate with brands and media outlets.
  10. Academia and Research: Graduates can pursue advanced degrees and enter academia as teachers or researchers in journalism, media studies, or communication departments. They can contribute to research, teach courses, and mentor aspiring journalists and communicators.

These are just a few examples of the career prospects available to Journalism and Mass Communication graduates. The field is diverse, and with the skills acquired, you can adapt to various roles within the media industry, communication departments of organizations, or even entrepreneurial ventures. It’s important to keep in mind that practical experience, networking, and building a strong portfolio of work can enhance your career opportunities and prospects in this field.

Courses Available after B.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication

  • Master of Arts (MA) in Journalism and Mass Communication: The course combines communication and journalism to create a theoretical and applied approach to communication studies. Reporting & Editing techniques, Radio & Television Production, Advertising & Marketing Strategies, Public Relations & Event Management, and Filmmaking are offered for students who want to enter the media profession. 
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Development Communication: This program’s goal is to generate development communication strategists who can successfully intervene in a variety of development processes and serve as a catalyst for social change. The program is designed to provide essential knowledge on Economic & Social Development, Development Planning, Social Marketing, Diffusion of Innovation, Participatory Research paradigms, etc. 
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Public Relations: This industry-focused programme deals with the theoretical foundation and practical application of Public Relations. Public Relations Campaigns, Media Relations, Event Management, Digital Media Technologies in PR, Ethics in PR, and Corporate Social Responsibility are the major areas of this programme. 
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Television Studies: The purpose of a master’s degree in television studies is to provide students with comprehensive training in the subject so they can pursue careers in academia and the media sector. The course covered Television Theory, Visual Communication, the 24×7 Television News industry, Television Production Techniques, and so on.
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Advertising & Marketing Management: With a focus on advertising and branding, the program provides the opportunity to develop specialized knowledge in marketing management and communication. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of crucial marketing concepts and consumer behaviour.
  • PG Diploma Course in Digital Media: The course primarily introduces students to emerging digital technologies and their professional application in media production and corporate communication.
  • PG Diploma Course in Electronic Media: The course is structured and tailored to offer specialist knowledge in audio and audio-visual mediums in an engaging and insightful way. 

Corporate Job Options Available After B.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication

The media industry is booming with time. The industry is in the phase of growth because there is consumer demand in all the platforms like print, television, and new media platforms (Internet). It is also increasing because of the regular introduction of different new products and services in the market. Statistics, as given by India Brand Equity Foundation, show that the media and entertainment (M&E) industry in India grew at 19.9% (approximately 20%) in 2022 crossing US$ 24 billion (Rs. 2 trillion mark) and is expected to reach US$ 35 billion (Rs. 2.83 trillion) by 2025. Thus, a B.A. degree in Journalism and Mass Communication offers a number of corporate job opportunities in various fields such as:

  1. Journalism: One can work as a reporter in print houses such as the Times of India, The Telegraph, the Economic Times, and other renowned houses. One can also work as a reporter in national or international news channels like ABP News, Times Now, Republic Tv, or even in news agencies like PTI, ANI, and Reuters.
  2. Television: This is a very vast platform to work as one can work as an executive producer, editor, scriptwriter, assistant director, and in many more departments. There are different media houses one can work in like Viacom, Network18, Star Network, etc. 
  3. OTT (Over-the-Top): One can also work as an executive producer, editor, scriptwriter, or assistant director on the OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hoichoi, etc.
  4. Radio: One can work as a content producer and radio jockey (RJ) in this field. The houses one can work with are Radio Mirchi, Red Fm, Amar FM, FM Gold, and many more.
  5. Advertising: This is also categorized into two i.e., Advertising Agencies and Advertising Production. In India, we have renowned agencies such as DDB Mudra, M. Ogilvy, Law & Kenneth, etc., where one can work in departments like client servicing, creative, or as a copywriter.
  6. Films: One can start one’s journey as an assistant director, scriptwriter, or assistant camera-man. In India, we have different regional industries, but the renowned ones are Bollywood, South Film Industry, and Tollywood (Bengali). One can also work in production houses such as Yash Raj Films, Red Chilli Entertainments, Phantom, SVF, and Eskay Movies, etc.

Competitive Exam Options Available After B.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication

Studying B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication can enhance your overall academic competencies. If you’re considering going for competitive exams after completing your studies, here are some options available to you:

  • UPSC
  • Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
  • Banking Exams: IBPS, SBI, PO
  • Defence Exams: CDS, NDA 
  • Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT)
  • State Public Service Commission Exams (PSC)

Career Switch Options After B.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication

Studying Journalism and Mass Communication can provide you with a versatile skill set that can be applied to various industries. If you’re considering a career switch after completing your studies, here are some options to explore:

  1. Marketing and Advertising: The knowledge of effective communication and media strategies gained through studying Journalism and Mass Communication can be valuable in marketing and advertising roles. You can pursue careers in content marketing, digital marketing, copywriting, brand management, or media planning.
  2. Digital Media and Content Management: With the rise of digital media platforms, there is a growing demand for professionals who can effectively manage online presence and engage audiences. Your knowledge of digital media platforms, and online content creation can be valuable in roles such as digital media manager, digital strategist, or digital content curator.
  3. Nonprofit and Advocacy Organizations: Journalism and Mass Communication graduates often have a passion for social issues and storytelling. Nonprofit organizations and advocacy groups require professionals who can effectively communicate their mission, create compelling narratives, and engage audiences. You can work in communications or public relations roles within these organizations.
  4. Market Research and Data Analysis: Journalism and Mass Communication programs often include coursework on research methods and media analysis. You can leverage these skills to pursue a career in market research, media analytics, or data analysis, where you would work to gather and interpret data to inform business decisions or media strategies.
  5. Freelance Educator: If you enjoy sharing your knowledge and have a passion for education, you can explore opportunities as a freelance educator of journalism, media studies, or communication courses. You can also provide training and workshops on media literacy, communication skills, or storytelling techniques.

However, transitioning to a new career may require additional skills, certifications, or experience. It’s important to evaluate your transferable skills, conduct research on the desired field, and potentially gain practical experience or further education to enhance your chances of success in a new career path. Networking, volunteering, or taking on freelance projects can also help you build a portfolio and make connections in your desired career field.


A Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Journalism and Mass Communication is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the study of media, communication, and journalism. Here a brief summary of what a student can expect from a B.A. degree in Journalism and Mass Communication has been provided. Students are strongly advised to carefully go through the same carefully before deciding on taking up the B.A. degree course for Journalism and Mass Communication at The Bhawanipur Education Society College.


1. What is Journalism and Mass Communication?
Journalism refers to the practice of gathering, investigating, verifying, and presenting news and information to the public. Journalists work in various media formats, including print, broadcast, online, and multimedia platforms. They are responsible for researching, interviewing, writing, and editing news stories, articles, features, and investigative reports. Journalists aim to provide accurate, balanced, and timely information that informs, educates, and engages the public. They often work under tight deadlines and adhere to ethical principles and standards, such as objectivity, fairness, and accountability.

Mass Communication refers to the process of transmitting information to a large and diverse audience through various channels of communication. It involves the use of mass media, which includes print media (newspapers, magazines), broadcast media (television, radio), digital media (websites, social media), and other forms of communication technologies. Mass communication encompasses not only journalism but also other forms of communication, such as advertising, public relations, and media studies. It explores how messages are created, conveyed, and received, and the impact they have on individuals, societies, and cultures.

Journalism and mass communication are closely interconnected because journalism is one of the primary components of mass communication. Journalists use various mass communication channels to disseminate news and information to a wide audience. Additionally, the study of mass communication encompasses the broader aspects of media systems, media effects, media ethics, media theories, and the role of media in society, which provide a foundation for understanding and analyzing journalism within the larger context of mass communication.

2. Why should one study Journalism and Mass Communication?
Studying Journalism and Mass Communication offers several benefits that can enhance both personal and professional growth. Some of the key advantages of pursuing a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication are as follows:

  • Develops strong communication skills: Journalism and Mass Communication programs emphasize effective verbal and written communication. Through coursework and practical experiences, you can refine your writing, speaking, interviewing, and storytelling abilities. These skills are valuable in various professional settings and can help you effectively convey messages, engage audiences, and build relationships.
  • Enhances critical thinking and analysis: Journalism and Mass Communication education encourages critical thinking and analysis of media content, news stories, and communication practices. You learn to evaluate information, assess credibility, detect bias, and understand media effects. These skills enable you to be a discerning consumer and producer of media, as well as a thoughtful and informed citizen.
  • Expands media literacy: Studying Journalism and Mass Communication enhances your media literacy, which is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media content. You become more skilled at navigating media platforms, understanding media messages, and interpreting media representations. This empowers you to engage with media in a thoughtful and informed manner.
  • Cultivates research and investigative skills: Journalism often involves in-depth research and investigation to gather accurate information and verify facts. By studying Journalism and Mass Communication, you develop strong research skills, learn how to conduct interviews, analyze data, and investigate complex issues. These skills are valuable in a variety of fields that require research and analytical abilities.
  • Fosters adaptability and technological proficiency: The media landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and platforms emerging regularly. Studying Journalism and Mass Communication helps you adapt to technological advancements and acquire digital literacy. You gain hands-on experience with various media tools, software, and platforms, making you more versatile and adaptable in a rapidly changing media environment.
  • Provides a global perspective: Journalism and Mass Communication programs often emphasize the importance of understanding diverse cultures, global issues, and international media landscapes. You learn about media systems worldwide, cross-cultural communication, and the impact of media on different societies. This global perspective enhances your cultural competence and prepares you for work in a globalized world.
  • Offers networking and professional opportunities: Studying Journalism and Mass Communication provides opportunities to network with industry professionals, media organizations, and fellow students. You can connect with journalists, media professionals, and professors who can offer guidance, mentorship, and potential career opportunities. These connections can be valuable throughout your professional journey.

3. Who can opt for a course in Journalism and Mass Communication?
Any student, irrespective of her/his stream in Class XII, can opt for a course in Journalism and Mass Communication.

4. Are any specific language skills mandatory for pursuing a course in Journalism and Mass Communication?
No, any specific language skill is not mandatory for pursuing a course in Journalism and Mass Communication.

5. Is Journalism and Mass Communication the right career for me?
Determining if Journalism and Mass Communication is the right career for you requires careful consideration of one’s interests, skills, and personal goals. Here are some factors to be taken into consideration to assess if Journalism and Mass Communication is the right career for you:

  • Passion for storytelling and information: Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) involves storytelling and the dissemination of information to a wide audience. Ask yourself if you have a genuine interest in investigating and sharing stories, news, and ideas. If you enjoy keeping up with current events, conducting research, and communicating with others, this field may be a good fit.
  • Strong communication skills: Effective communication is essential in Journalism and Mass Communication. Assess your skills in writing, speaking, interviewing, and presenting information. If you enjoy expressing ideas clearly, have a knack for storytelling, and can adapt your communication style for different media platforms, it suggests you may excel in this field.
  • Curiosity and critical thinking: Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) requires curiosity and critical thinking skills. Consider if you are naturally inquisitive, enjoy asking questions, and have a desire to dig deeper to uncover the truth. If you are able to analyze information critically, evaluate different perspectives, and separate facts from opinions, it indicates a potential fit for this field.
  • Adaptability and technological proficiency: The media landscape is rapidly evolving with technological advancements. Assess your comfort level with technology and your ability to adapt to new tools and platforms. Are you willing to learn new skills, stay updated with emerging trends, and embrace digital media? Flexibility and a willingness to evolve are important qualities in this field.
  • Ethical and responsible mindset: Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) involves ethical considerations and a responsibility to report truthfully and fairly. Reflect on your ethical values and commitment to accurate, unbiased reporting. If you prioritize integrity, accountability, and respect for diverse perspectives, it suggests that you have the right mindset for this field.
  • High-pressure environments and deadlines: Journalism often operates under tight deadlines and requires working in fast-paced, high-pressure environments. Assess your ability to work effectively under time constraints and manage stress. If you thrive in dynamic situations, can handle tight deadlines, and remain calm under pressure, it indicates a potential fit for this field.
  • Long-term commitment: Journalism and Mass Communication careers often require persistence and dedication. Consider if you are willing to invest time and effort into building your skills and professional reputation. If you have a long-term commitment to the field, are motivated to continuously improve, and have a strong work ethic, it suggests that you may thrive in this career.

While this assessment is not definitive, it can certainly help one in reflective upon one’s interests, strengths, and goals and decide if Journalism and Mass Communication is the right career for her/him.

6. Can a student go for higher studies after graduating in Journalism and Mass Communication?
Absolutely! Graduating in Journalism and Mass Communication can be a stepping stone for further studies in the field. Pursuing higher education offers several advantages, including specialized knowledge, research opportunities, and career advancement. Here are some options for higher studies after completing a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication:

  • Master’s Degree: You can pursue a Master’s degree in Journalism, Mass Communication, Media Studies, or a related field. These programs provide advanced coursework, research opportunities, and a deeper understanding of media theory, research methods, and specialized areas within the field. A Master’s degree can enhance your knowledge, skills, and competitiveness in the job market.
  • Doctoral Degree: If you have a passion for research, critical analysis, and academia, you can consider pursuing a Ph.D. in Journalism, Mass Communication, or related disciplines. A doctoral program typically involves conducting original research, contributing to scholarly literature, and teaching opportunities. This path can lead to careers in academia, research institutions, or industry positions that require advanced expertise.
  • Specialized Certifications: Depending on your specific interests within Journalism and Mass Communication, you can pursue specialized certifications or short-term courses in areas such as digital media, data journalism, multimedia storytelling, public relations, or broadcast journalism. These certifications can enhance your skills and expertise in specific areas and make you more competitive in the job market.
  • Media Management or Business Programs: If you are interested in the business side of media or aspire to work in media organizations in management roles, you can consider pursuing a Master’s in Media Management, Media Business Administration, or similar programs. These programs provide a blend of media and business coursework, equipping you with skills in media entrepreneurship, strategic management, marketing, and media economics.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies: Journalism and Mass Communication can intersect with various disciplines, including political science, sociology, cultural studies, or technology. You can explore interdisciplinary programs that allow you to combine your journalism background with other areas of interest, enabling you to approach media and communication from a broader perspective.

Higher studies in Journalism and Mass Communication can deepen your understanding of the field, equip you with advanced skills, and open up opportunities for research, teaching, or specialized roles. It’s important to research and choose programs that align with your career goals, interests, and aspirations. Consider factors such as the program’s curriculum, faculty expertise, research opportunities, industry connections, and alumni network when making decisions about higher education.

7. What courses in Journalism and Mass Communication are available at The Bhawanipur Education Society College?
Presently, The Bhawanipur Education Society College offers only BJMC (Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication) degree course.

8. Why choose The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) for the BJMC course?

  • Reputation: The Department of JMC at The Bhawanipur Education Society College has an excellent track record of producing successful graduates in the subject.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum of the Journalism and Mass Communication course at The Bhawanipur Education Society College covers a wide range of relevant subject areas that can provide quality education in the subject and alongside desired professional competency.
  • Faculty: The Department of JMC at The Bhawanipur Education Society College consists of highly qualified teachers who have industry experience, expertise in their respective fields, and a commitment to mentorship and guidance for students.
  • Infrastructure and Facilities: The Department of JMC at The Bhawanipur Education Society College has a well-equipped media lab and offers access to the latest media infrastructure that can enhance your practical skills and hands-on learning opportunities.
  • Alumni Network: The Department of JMC at The Bhawanipur Education Society College has a strong alumni network of well-placed students who can offer good networking, mentorship, and industry connections and opportunities beneficial both during and after your studies.
  • Student Support Services: The Department of JMC at The Bhawanipur Education Society College offers quality student support services such as career counseling, academic advising, and extracurricular activities. These services can contribute to your overall college experience and personal development.

9. Which university is The Bhawanipur Education Society College affiliated to?
The University of Calcutta

Course Structure

Choice Based Credit System

Course Code Name of Course Type Semester Marks
CC-1 Introduction to Journalism JORA-CC-1-1-TH+P 1 100
AECC-1 English + MIL 1 100
CC-2 History of Indian Journalism JORA-CC-1-2-TH+TU 1 100
GE-1 Basics of Journalism JORG-CC/GE-1-1 TH+TU 1 100
AECC-2 EVS 2 100
CC-3 Reporting and Editing JORA-CC-2-3-TH+TU 2 100
CC-4 Introduction to Media and Communication JORA-CC-2-4-TH+P 2 100
GE-2 Media Management JORG-CC/GE-2-2 TH+TU 2 100
CC-5 Communication Media + Society JORA-CC-3-5-TH+TU 3 100
CC-6 Media and Cultural Studies JORA-CC-3-6-TH+TU 3 100
GE-3 Advertising / Public Relations JORG-CC/GE-3-3 TH+P 3 100
CC-7 Introduction to Radio JORA-CC-3-7-TH+P 3 100
SEC -A-1 or SEC -A-2 Radio writing & presentation or Photo Journalism JORA-SEC-A-3-1 or JORA-SEC-A-3-2 3 100
CC-8 Media Management + Press Laws JORA-CC-4-8-TH+TU 4 100
CC-9 Introduction to Television JORA-CC-4-9-TH+P 4 100
GE-4 Press Laws and Indian Constitution JORG-CC/GE-4-4 TH+TU 4 100
CC-10 Film Studies JORA-CC-4-10-TH+TU 4 100
SEC-B-1 or SEC-B-2 Documentary Production or Feature Production JORA-SEC-B-4-1 or JORA-SECB-4-2 4 100
CC-11 Introduction to New Media JORA-CC-5-11-TH+P 5 100
CC-12 Development Communication JORA-CC-5-12-TH+TU 5 100
DSE-A-1 or DSE-A-2 Global Media & Politics or Media + Human Rights + Gender and Env. Studies JORA-DSE-A-5-1 or JORA-DSE-A-5-2 5 100
DSE-B-1 or DSE-B-2 Multimedia Journalism or Communication Research and Methods DSE-B-5-1 or DSE-B-5-2 5 100
CC-13 Advertising JORA-CC-6-13-TH+P 6 100
CC-14 Public Relations JORA-CC-6-14-TH+TU 6 100
DSE-A-3 or DSE-A-4 Dissertation with Presentation or Political Communication JORA-DSE-A-6-3 or JORA-DSE-A-6-4 6 100
DSE-B-3 or DSE-B-4 Folk & Community Media or Health & Science Communication JORA-DSE-B-6-3 or JORA-DSE-B-6-4 6 100



The Student’s Magazine

Volume I
Volume II
Volume III

Course Eligibility

A candidate taking up an Honours Course in a subject must have obtained, at the previous qualifying examination, a minimum of:

55% marks in English


45% marks in English + 50% marks in BO4


Please also read General Eligibility Criteria, Under Admissions.

Course Duration

4 Years

Course Hours

10:15 am to 4:30 pm (Day session, Co-ed)

Course Fees

₹52,225 (First Semester)

Admission 2024-25 is live