Kabaddi originated in Tamil Nadu about 4000 years ago. Although there was a presence of kabaddi in the history of ancient India however the game gained popularity as a competitive sport in the 20th century. Kabaddi is now being played at an international level. This sport also became a part of the Beijing Asian Games in 1990.
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised the Kabaddi Championship on the college turf from 8:30 am onwards on the 1st&2nd of December 2022. The championship witnessed overwhelming participation, with 32 teams participating in it. There were 28 teams consisting of boys and the remaining 4 teams of girls. There were 8 players in a team, in which one of them acted as a substitute.
The championship consisted of 4 Rounds in total. The team which managed to surmount all the obstacles and rise through the ranks was called ‘S.Warriors’, they were declared winners of the tournament. They prevailed against the ‘Jungle Warriors’ in the Semi-Final who gave ‘S.Warriors’ fierce Competition.
In the Girls’ section of the championship, the semi-final was played between the ‘lion’ and the ‘Warrior’, in which the Lions came out to be victorious. It was a thrilling experience to witness all these matches, especially in some of the matches there was a constant change in momentum, which further captivated the attention of the onlookers.
The position for the Best Defender went to Samridh Jain (S.Warriors) & the position for the Best Raider went to Sahil Gupta (S.warriors). They both demonstrated top-notch performance. Their performance shows the capabilities of their teams, which helped them to win the tournament. The tournament’s highlight was the team spirit displayed by most teams.
All the arrangements which were necessary for the tournament were possible because of the efforts of Prof. Dilip Shah, whose inspiration helped in the successful execution of the tournament.
“In the world, there may be give and take, but in Seva, it is give, give & give. For a Sevak ‘Giving is Receiving”. — Sadhguru With this aim the NSS unit of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized ‘Seva Sandwich’ drive on 11th April, 2023 at the Inner space. The students gathered and started …
Chandra Sekhar Ghosh had entered the heady world of Micro Finance way back in 2001 and like all great entities that work in the grassroots – unknown and unsung – was stoically trudging on, far, far from the glare of publicity.
Heroes do not always come with a cape to rescue the victim, sometimes they donate blood. A drop of blood has the power of saving one precious life. And when it comes to the cause of doing some social service The Bhawanipur Education Society College has never retreated. On 25th November 2022, a Blood Donation …
Quoting the famous Marianne Wilson “Every ending is a new beginning”, a convocation holds the same meaning for Be-ites. Nothing can match the thrill of returning to college, meeting old friends, gushing through the corridors – reminiscing old days and getting rewarded for the hard work one puts in throughout college life. The Graduation Felicitation …
Bhawanipur Kabaddi Championship
Kabaddi originated in Tamil Nadu about 4000 years ago. Although there was a presence of kabaddi in the history of ancient India however the game gained popularity as a competitive sport in the 20th century. Kabaddi is now being played at an international level. This sport also became a part of the Beijing Asian Games in 1990.
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised the Kabaddi Championship on the college turf from 8:30 am onwards on the 1st&2nd of December 2022. The championship witnessed overwhelming participation, with 32 teams participating in it. There were 28 teams consisting of boys and the remaining 4 teams of girls. There were 8 players in a team, in which one of them acted as a substitute.
The championship consisted of 4 Rounds in total. The team which managed to surmount all the obstacles and rise through the ranks was called ‘S.Warriors’, they were declared winners of the tournament. They prevailed against the ‘Jungle Warriors’ in the Semi-Final who gave ‘S.Warriors’ fierce Competition.
In the Girls’ section of the championship, the semi-final was played between the ‘lion’ and the ‘Warrior’, in which the Lions came out to be victorious. It was a thrilling experience to witness all these matches, especially in some of the matches there was a constant change in momentum, which further captivated the attention of the onlookers.
The position for the Best Defender went to Samridh Jain (S.Warriors) & the position for the Best Raider went to Sahil Gupta (S.warriors). They both demonstrated top-notch performance. Their performance shows the capabilities of their teams, which helped them to win the tournament. The tournament’s highlight was the team spirit displayed by most teams.
All the arrangements which were necessary for the tournament were possible because of the efforts of Prof. Dilip Shah, whose inspiration helped in the successful execution of the tournament.
Reported by – Akshat kothari
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