Research and Publication Cell
Committee Members
Designation | Name | Responsibility |
Coordinators | • Dr. Pinki Saha Sardar (Chemistry) • Dr. Barnasree Chatterjee (Morning Commerce) |
• To invite research proposals from the faculty members in a prescribed format. • To select proposals for funding by the college, after assessment by a duly constituted screening committee with both external and internal members. • Draw up a budget and forward it to the governing body for sanctioning funds. • To encourage peer-reviewed publications by the departments of the college. • To monitor project progress in a time-bound manner by submitting half-yearly reports. • To monitor the utilisation of funds through regular audited reports. • To assess the need for infrastructural support. • To explore the possibility of getting grants from external agencies. • To ensure that at least two of the proposals accepted each year are linked to social needs and/ or industrial needs. • To hold meetings every quarter, and keep meticulous records of proceedings, actions taken, etc. • To provide quarterly reports and proposals to IQAC. • To select teachers who may be eligible to act as Ph.D guides. • To oversee the publication of books and journals. |
Members | • Dr. Vidisha Roy (Psychology) • Dr. Priyam Basu Thakur (Journalism & Mass Communication) • Dr. Sampa Sinha Basu (Bengali) • Dr. Arnab Gangopadhyay (Physics) • Dr. Saugata Konar (Chemistry) • Dr. Sugata Adhya (Mathematics) • Dr. Debarati Guha Saha (BBA) • Dr. Joyeta Bhaduri (Afternoon & Evening Commerce) |
Objective of the Committee
The Research and Publication Cell of The Bhawanipur Education Society College was formed in 2018. The cell was created to:
- Invite research proposals from the faculty in a prescribed format.
- Select proposals for funding after assessment by a duly constituted screening committee with both internal and external members.
- Draw up a budget and forward it to the Governing Body for sanctioning of funds.
- Encourage peer-reviewed publications by the faculty of the College.
- Monitor progress of the research projects in a time-bound manner.
- Oversee the publication of books and journals.
- Help in the organisation of seminars, extension lectures, etc.
Achievements of the Committee
The focus of the Cell has been on invitation of faculty research proposals, publication of academic volumes and organization of seminars/ workshops for the students – especially the final semester students enrolled for the post-graduation programmes so as to enhance their employability skills.
During these five years, the Research and Publication Cell could engage in the following activities:
- Publication and distribution of an academic volume called Cultural Gastros (2nd enlarged edition) – A book entitled Cultural Gastros, comprising scholarly articles from faculty and research scholars across various disciplines had been published by the Department of Sociology, the Bhawanipur Education Society College, previously. In August 2019, a second enlarged edition of the same was published by the Research and Publication Cell. Copies of this volume were sent to various educational institutions of repute across the country by the Cell and two copies were sent to the National Library and MHRD respectively, as a humble effort of contributing to the domain of knowledge and research.
- The first instalment of the financial aid for the Projects sanctioned by the Cell in 2018-19 was released by the College in September 2019.
- Critical Thinking Workshop – An IQAC approved two-day Workshop on Critical Thinking was organized for the M.A and M.Com students of the final semester by the Research and Publication Cell in collaboration with Critical Thinking Academy, Bangalore on 21st and 22nd February 2020. The Workshop was conducted by Mr. A.S. Prasad from Critical Thinking Academy, Bangalore. With over thirty years of experience in Marketing and Management, Mr. Prasad is a trainer in Critical Thinking and a Guest Faculty at IIM Indore and NIFT. He has developed a curriculum for a course on Critical Thinking for NIFT Bangalore and also teaches the course there. Spanning across six hours each day, the Workshop was held in the second floor auditorium of the College. The aim of the Workshop was to enhance employability skills amongst the students by introducing them to the process of informed decision-making based on critical thinking and analyses of situations. The sessions were divided into introduction of critical thinking framework, logical reasoning, inductive reasoning, causal reasoning and mapping of arguments. Each participant was issued with written material of 130 pages, including parameters of critical thinking and case studies. The sessions on both the days saw active participation from students through engaging interactive sessions with the trainer. The Workshop was immensely successful as more than eighty students from both the courses registered for it. The participants were issued certificates by the Research and Publication Cell and a feedback form was collected to record their experience of the Workshop.
- Project numbers were issued by the Research and Publication Cell to the recipients of the research grants for 2018-19.
- Publication of a book called Gujaratis: Perspectives on a Domiciled Community’s History, Culture and Contribution to Kolkata – After the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the College in 2016, an internal academic committee comprising teachers from different departments was constituted to work on a project called ‘Gujaratis in Bengal’. The purpose of this project was declared to be an exploration of the historical and social background that led to the eventual migration of Gujaratis in Bengal and their present position in the state. A book based on the findings of this research was published through The Research and Publication Cell in 2020.
- A series of in-house peer webinars were organised for the recipients of the research grant in 2018-19 in collaboration with the IQAC to record and assess the progress of work by the research awardees and problems faced, if any. These webinars were organised in July 2020.
- Publication of a book called Mosaics of a Locale: Stories of Bhawanipur – The Heritage Society of the College had undertaken a project to explore the historicity of the locales of Bhawanipur through oral narratives and photographs. As a result of this documentation, a book called Mosaics of a Locale was published in 2021 through the Research and Publication Cell.
- The second instalment of the financial aid for the Projects sanctioned by the Cell in 2018-19 was released by the College in December 2022 after considering the delay and the requests for extension made by the recipients of the research grants for the ongoing research projects.
Future Plans
- Encouraging faculty publications by periodic circulation of list of journals accepting articles for publication across various disciplines.
- Publishing a volume containing the results of the research findings emerging from the ongoing research projects
- Issuing of fresh Research Projects after the completion of the ongoing projects.
- Introducing add-on courses for the benefit of the students.
Committee Meetings
Number of Meetings held July 2019-June 2020: Four (04)
Dates: 23.09.2019, 16.11.2019, 15.02.2020, 27.06.2020
Minutes of Meetings: Maintained
Number of Meetings held July 2021-June 2022: Two (02)
Dates: 10.01.2022, 05.04.2022
Minutes of Meetings: Maintained
Number of Meetings held July 2022-June 2023: Two (02)
Dates: 12.12.2022, 08.05.2023
Minutes of Meetings: Maintained
Number of Meetings held from July 2023: One (01)
Dates: 25.11.2023
Minutes of Meetings: Maintained