Amidst the hullaballoo of rallies and traffic jam 23 students from The Bhawanipur Education Society College accompanied by Prof. Vijay Kothari and Prof. Divyesh Shah visited Makers Loft`s (a space for makers) at Ballygaunge Place. We were welcomed by Ms. Meghna Bhutoria Founder and CEO of Maker`s Loft. Later, we were split into two batches and we experienced various facilities, equipments and provisions of the maker`s space. We visited the Lego Club, where students experienced various activities related to robotics and here students are prepared for Olympiads at District, state, National and International robotics competitions.
We experienced the 3-D printing machine where currently the Iron throne of Game of Throne was being 3-D printed. First, the whole image is 3-D designed in software and then fed into the 3-D printing machine and it takes around 4-8 hours to print the whole object. We saw various objects which were being 3-D printed. Lazer cutting was also an interesting experience where we saw the various methods to carve on plywood’s, acrylic glass, thermocol, foil and Wood.
“I had a wonderful experience and I also took videos of Lego (Robotics) and Lazer cutting, and I shall look forward to such visits”, Tania Agarwal, a first year student. This visit was co-ordinated by Harshika Dalmiya and Dhanistha Mitra, who planned and organized the visit efficiently.
Students were very encouraged by the visit and they look forward to being part of the makers Movement.
The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, The Bhawanipur Education Society College has initiated a series of annual memorial lectures on eminent Bengali journalists from the year 2021. The topics for the annual memorial lectures shall be topical in nature in addressing the contemporary issues, prospects and challenges of modern-day journalism as emerging with time …
“Remedial education (also known as developmental education, basic skills education, compensatory education, preparatory education, and academic upgrading) is assigned to assist students in order to achieve expected competencies in core academic skills such as literacy and numeracy”.
One of the most common characteristics of some of the most notable people in the history of human race, is how beautifully they all embraced their individuality rather than trying to replicate some other individual and ending up becoming their mere illusion. In today’s generation, where social media trends have taken over the world by …
The Women’s Cell of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a talk on the digital platform approved by the IQAC of the College on the 10th of June 2020. The speaker Dr. Sohini Banerjee who is currently working as an independent public health researcher and consultant spoke on the issue of rising incidents of domestic …
Visit to The Makers Loft
Amidst the hullaballoo of rallies and traffic jam 23 students from The Bhawanipur Education Society College accompanied by Prof. Vijay Kothari and Prof. Divyesh Shah visited Makers Loft`s (a space for makers) at Ballygaunge Place. We were welcomed by Ms. Meghna Bhutoria Founder and CEO of Maker`s Loft. Later, we were split into two batches and we experienced various facilities, equipments and provisions of the maker`s space. We visited the Lego Club, where students experienced various activities related to robotics and here students are prepared for Olympiads at District, state, National and International robotics competitions.
We experienced the 3-D printing machine where currently the Iron throne of Game of Throne was being 3-D printed. First, the whole image is 3-D designed in software and then fed into the 3-D printing machine and it takes around 4-8 hours to print the whole object. We saw various objects which were being 3-D printed. Lazer cutting was also an interesting experience where we saw the various methods to carve on plywood’s, acrylic glass, thermocol, foil and Wood.
“I had a wonderful experience and I also took videos of Lego (Robotics) and Lazer cutting, and I shall look forward to such visits”, Tania Agarwal, a first year student. This visit was co-ordinated by Harshika Dalmiya and Dhanistha Mitra, who planned and organized the visit efficiently.
Students were very encouraged by the visit and they look forward to being part of the makers Movement.
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