The program started by lighting the lamp by all the present dignitaries. The main attraction of the event was to felicitate Dr. Samir Kanti Datta for his outstanding as well as significant contributions in the field of Chemistry and collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, London & Indian Chemical Society. His pioneering insights on Phytochemical and their medicinal importance have enriched the Society and opened new roadmaps of addressing and accepting research challenges. The program was further enriched by recognizing the contribution of students, teachers and support staffs for different categories such as Highest Attendance, Departmental Topper, PhD Degree/M.Phil Degree Awardees, Research Achievements (Journal/Book/Book Chapter Publication/Sponsored Research Projects). Different existing committee of the Science Section of The Bhawanipur Education Society College was also awarded to acknowledge their contribution in order to motivate and accelerate the momentum of the Science Section. The launch of the cultural journal Apeiron: Imagination Unbound, under the direction of Dr. Pinki Saha Sardar, Vice-Principal Science and Chair of the Science Section’s Cultural and Educational Trip Committee, was another highlight of this event. The event finally ended at around 5 PM with a vote of thanks to the Teacher-In-Charge, Vice Principal, IQAC Coordinators and other present dignitaries for their immense support.
SHOULD RESERVATION BE ABOLISHED? The students of our college organised “KNOWLEDGE ADDA” on 19th July 2016 .This was basically a group discussion on the topic of ‘Reservation in India’ which was moderated by Prof. Dilip Shah. The discussion began with an introductory session to various sub-topics on the subject.
An IQAC approved two-day Workshop on Critical Thinking was organized for the M.A and M.Com students of the final semester by the Research and Publication Cell, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, in collaboration with Critical Thinking Academy, Bangalore on 21st and 22nd February 2020. The Workshop was conducted by Mr. A.S. Prasad from Critical Thinking …
The aim of this conference are to bring together the academicians, scientists, engineers, researchers and students to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences and research results for better understanding of the emerging trends in Mathematics and its applications. The following topics will be covered in the conference: Algebra, Analysis, Differential Equation, PDE, Geometry & Topology, …
Thanks Giving Ceremony 2023
The program started by lighting the lamp by all the present dignitaries. The main attraction of the event was to felicitate Dr. Samir Kanti Datta for his outstanding as well as significant contributions in the field of Chemistry and collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, London & Indian Chemical Society. His pioneering insights on Phytochemical and their medicinal importance have enriched the Society and opened new roadmaps of addressing and accepting research challenges. The program was further enriched by recognizing the contribution of students, teachers and support staffs for different categories such as Highest Attendance, Departmental Topper, PhD Degree/M.Phil Degree Awardees, Research Achievements (Journal/Book/Book Chapter Publication/Sponsored Research Projects). Different existing committee of the Science Section of The Bhawanipur Education Society College was also awarded to acknowledge their contribution in order to motivate and accelerate the momentum of the Science Section. The launch of the cultural journal Apeiron: Imagination Unbound, under the direction of Dr. Pinki Saha Sardar, Vice-Principal Science and Chair of the Science Section’s Cultural and Educational Trip Committee, was another highlight of this event. The event finally ended at around 5 PM with a vote of thanks to the Teacher-In-Charge, Vice Principal, IQAC Coordinators and other present dignitaries for their immense support.
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