The Republic Day Camp (RDC) is the pinnacle of events for National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets, offering a platform to showcase their capabilities and representing their directorate. This year, seven cadets from our college were selected to participate in the RDC, with two being chosen as Best Cadets, two for the Drill Contingent, and two for the All-India Guard of Honour.
BESC CADETS AT REPUBLIC DAY CAMP, NEW DELHI 2025 Cdt. Priyanshu Jha, Cdt. Aryan Gupta, Cdt. Shagnik Mitra,
Cdt. Rufina Toppo, Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta and Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay
Key Highlights
Cadets’ Selection: Cadets underwent rigorous training and multiple selection levels to participate in various events, including the Best Cadets, Drill Contingent for Kartavyapath, Prime Minister’s Rally, and Guard of Honour, Special Sailing Expedition Welcome at Delhi: Cadets arrived in Delhi on December 26th and were warmly received by the Director General of NCC. Events and Activities: The camp featured various events, including home visits to prominent dignitaries, such as the Army Chief, Air Chief, Naval Chief, Prime Minister, and President of India. Cadets also attended dinner with the Defence Minister of India.
Contingent of Special Sailing Expedition, RDC 2025
Notable Achievements Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay and Cdt. Priyanshu Jha: Selected for the All-India Guard of Honour, they presented guards to esteemed dignitaries, including the Vice President, Chief of Army/Navy/Air Force Staff, and Prime Minister of India, Chief Minister of Delhi, Chief of Defence Minister, etc. Cdt. Rufina Toppo and Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta: Chosen for the elite NCC Drill Contingent, they marched on the Kartavyapath on January 26th. Cdt. Both Ruffina and Prince gave interviews to various social media channels. Cdt. Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Shagnik Mitra: Represented the directorate as Senior Division Army Best Cadet and Senior Division Navy Best Cadet, respectively. Both were part of the directorate’s cultural team. Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay and Cdt Aryan Gupta: Awarded the NCC Medal and baton for their outstanding performance in NCC activities. Aryan also received a token of appreciation from the Chief of Army Staff for his exceptional briefing skills. Cdt. Capt Md. Shamser Khan: Was selected as the commander of the Special Sailing Expedition, RDC 2025
Cdt Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay being acknowledged for their excellent performance.
Conclusion The Republic Day Camp is a prestigious event that recognizes the talents and dedication of NCC cadets. Our college is proud to have had six cadets participate in this year’s camp, with several notable achievements. We congratulate our cadets on their success and look forward to their future endeavours.
Cdt. Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Shagnik Mitra – WB & SIKKIM DTE BEST CADETS (Army & Navy wing)
Cdt. Rufina Toppo and Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta marched on the Kartavyapath
Youth Exchange Program: Cdt. Rufina Toppo, Cdt. Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta are contending for the Youth Exchange Program. Future Participation: Encourage more cadets to participate in the RDC and provide necessary training and support to help them excel.
A Model United Nations (MUN) workshop organized by the Assembly of Nations took place in the 6th floor auditorium on 7th February, 2017. The guests invited to converse over the panel discussion were Mr. Iman Kalyan Lahiri, international Relations Department, Jadavpur University and Mrs. Ajitha Menon, Political Economy Advisor, British Deputy High Commission, Kolkata. The …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with Royal Enfield organized- ‘The Art of Motorcycling’, an event which took place over two action-packed days at the College Turf on 21st and 22nd September 2023 from 10:30 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. The event celebrated not only the art of motorcycling but also emphasized the importance of …
“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is instant language.” – Miuccia Prada. Fashion is something you own, it shows how to carry yourself, how confident you are in your skin and how well you carry the outfit …
“A Billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you are talking about real Money” With the above motto in mind CNBC AWAZ, a Hindi news channel which is joint venture between CNBC and Television 18, based in Greater Noida came to Bhawanipur College, for its financial literacy show Pehla Kadam. The Anchor for the …
Republic Day Camp
The Republic Day Camp (RDC) is the pinnacle of events for National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets, offering a platform to showcase their capabilities and representing their directorate. This year, seven cadets from our college were selected to participate in the RDC, with two being chosen as Best Cadets, two for the Drill Contingent, and two for the All-India Guard of Honour.
Cdt. Priyanshu Jha, Cdt. Aryan Gupta, Cdt. Shagnik Mitra,
Cdt. Rufina Toppo, Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta and Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay
Cdt. Captain Md. Shamser Khan
Key Highlights
Cadets’ Selection: Cadets underwent rigorous training and multiple selection levels to participate in various events, including the Best Cadets, Drill Contingent for Kartavyapath, Prime Minister’s Rally, and Guard of Honour, Special Sailing Expedition
Welcome at Delhi: Cadets arrived in Delhi on December 26th and were warmly received by the Director General of NCC.
Events and Activities: The camp featured various events, including home visits to prominent dignitaries, such as the Army Chief, Air Chief, Naval Chief, Prime Minister, and President of India. Cadets also attended dinner with the Defence Minister of India.
Contingent of Special Sailing Expedition, RDC 2025
Notable Achievements
Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay and Cdt. Priyanshu Jha: Selected for the All-India Guard of Honour, they presented guards to esteemed dignitaries, including the Vice President, Chief of Army/Navy/Air Force Staff, and Prime Minister of India, Chief Minister of Delhi, Chief of Defence Minister, etc.
Cdt. Rufina Toppo and Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta: Chosen for the elite NCC Drill Contingent, they marched on the Kartavyapath on January 26th. Cdt. Both Ruffina and Prince gave interviews to various social media channels.
Cdt. Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Shagnik Mitra: Represented the directorate as Senior Division Army Best Cadet and Senior Division Navy Best Cadet, respectively. Both were part of the directorate’s cultural team.
Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay and Cdt Aryan Gupta: Awarded the NCC Medal and baton for their outstanding performance in NCC activities. Aryan also received a token of appreciation from the Chief of Army Staff for his exceptional briefing skills.
Cdt. Capt Md. Shamser Khan: Was selected as the commander of the Special Sailing Expedition, RDC 2025
Cdt Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Kishan Upadhyay being acknowledged for their excellent performance.
The Republic Day Camp is a prestigious event that recognizes the talents and dedication of NCC cadets. Our college is proud to have had six cadets participate in this year’s camp, with several notable achievements. We congratulate our cadets on their success and look forward to their future endeavours.
Cdt. Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Shagnik Mitra – WB & SIKKIM DTE BEST CADETS (Army & Navy wing)
Cdt. Rufina Toppo and Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta marched on the Kartavyapath
Youth Exchange Program: Cdt. Rufina Toppo, Cdt. Aryan Gupta and Cdt. Prince Raj Gupta are contending for the Youth Exchange Program.
Future Participation: Encourage more cadets to participate in the RDC and provide necessary training and support to help them excel.
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