Boasting a highly successful placement program on the campus, The Bhawanipur Education Society College held yet another session with guests coming in from Kredent Trading, one of the top liquidity providers for exchange in India. This recruitment program aimed to identify interested student traders from the college and to spark an interest to apply to Kredent Trading as a company.
On 16th October 2023 the event began at 12:00 pm in the afternoon with more than 75 students from the B.Com and BBA departments pouring into the Placement Hall of the College. The students had already been instructed beforehand to bring their CVs along with them. As the students settled down, they were greeted by Prof. Minakshi Chaturvedi, Coordinator B.Com (Morning) who enlightened the students about how great an opportunity this is and that they should actively participate in the session. A few moments later, representatives of Kredent, Ms. Seema Parakkat – Associate Manager GMAC (South East Asia), and Dr. Moumita Moitra, Ph.D. from Kent State University and working as an Admission Advisor joined the students to begin the session. With ten years of work experience in this field, both representatives were prepared to provide a glimpse of their trading world to the students present.
The PowerPoint presentation provided by them contained detailed knowledge of the workings of the company. The students were explained about the training and development program if they get selected, the scope of work that they will be engaged in, and the numerous clients that Kredent Trading works with.
After this presentation, both the representatives engaged with the students and asked them questions to understand how much they knew about trading. With few students already pursuing trading as a future career option, others also became aware and interested in it. The students who were already willing to apply to Kredent brought their CVs along with them and submitted them. The session ended at 2:00 p.m. and had a significant impact on attending students as they learned about a new career option and broadened their views on the Trading and Stock market.
The Bhawanipur Education Society college (BESC) celebrated the cerebral by organising the fifth edition of the biggest college fest of its kind Communiqué 2017 – one that is devoted to rejoicing the Word, conceived, curated and communicated.
The molecular interactions in the view of chemical sciences were discussed in the first session under the topic ‘Molecular astrophysics: Quantum Chemical perspective on molecular synthesis in the astrophysical environment’ by Dr. Partha Pratim Bera. Dr. Bera discussed that low-density matter that exists in the space between stars in a galaxy consists of gas and …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College under the banner of Yi BhawanipurChaupal conducted an industrial visit. Though it was officially an industrial visit, the true purpose was much deeper. Not only did we visit the glove manufacturing unit of Rajda group, we even visited the Ramakrishna mission ashram situated in Neempeeth on 26th of February.
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a Carnival for two days at the college campus. It was held on the 27th and 28th of March 2023 and was open to all students, parents & guests. The ambiance of the Carnival was visible right from the street where the entrance gate of the college had a …
Kredent Trader Recruitment Program
Boasting a highly successful placement program on the campus, The Bhawanipur Education Society College held yet another session with guests coming in from Kredent Trading, one of the top liquidity providers for exchange in India. This recruitment program aimed to identify interested student traders from the college and to spark an interest to apply to Kredent Trading as a company.
On 16th October 2023 the event began at 12:00 pm in the afternoon with more than 75 students from the B.Com and BBA departments pouring into the Placement Hall of the College. The students had already been instructed beforehand to bring their CVs along with them. As the students settled down, they were greeted by Prof. Minakshi Chaturvedi, Coordinator B.Com (Morning) who enlightened the students about how great an opportunity this is and that they should actively participate in the session. A few moments later, representatives of Kredent, Ms. Seema Parakkat – Associate Manager GMAC (South East Asia), and Dr. Moumita Moitra, Ph.D. from Kent State University and working as an Admission Advisor joined the students to begin the session. With ten years of work experience in this field, both representatives were prepared to provide a glimpse of their trading world to the students present.
The PowerPoint presentation provided by them contained detailed knowledge of the workings of the company. The students were explained about the training and development program if they get selected, the scope of work that they will be engaged in, and the numerous clients that Kredent Trading works with.
After this presentation, both the representatives engaged with the students and asked them questions to understand how much they knew about trading. With few students already pursuing trading as a future career option, others also became aware and interested in it. The students who were already willing to apply to Kredent brought their CVs along with them and submitted them. The session ended at 2:00 p.m. and had a significant impact on attending students as they learned about a new career option and broadened their views on the Trading and Stock market.
Reporter- Aniket Dasgupta
Photographer- Aditya Saraf
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