B.A./ B.Sc. Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023(Under CBCS) Marksheets will be distributed on Friday, 01st September 2023 from Valia Hall (ground floor, college campus) between 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm. The exact schedule for individual student is given in the link below.
Upon clicking on the above-mentioned link, provide your 10-digit college UID & click on submit button to know your schedule. Take the screenshot of the screen showing your UID, Name, allotted Date, CU Roll No., Time & Counter number as you are required to show the same at the distribution venue.
Important Note:
1. It is mandatory to bring Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Card & Valid College ID Card in order to collect the marksheet.
2. If you have Library books pending for return against your name, please return your Library book/s at the Marksheet collection venue only, before collecting your marksheet.
3. In case if you have INC / Result Not Found / “Absent” in Theory in your Semester VI online Result, then please fill-up this below mentioned Google Form to inform us the same. It is mandatory to fill-up the form by 15/09/2023, as we need to submit these data to University of Calcutta.
4. B.Com. Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Marksheet distribution notice shall be published on college website under notice board section tentatively on 05/09/2023 by 04:00 pm.
B.A./ B.Sc. students who were unable to collect their Semester VI Calcutta University Marksheet on the previously allotted schedule, can collect the same from Ground Floor College Office (Room No. 28) on any days (except holidays) between 10:00 am to 01:00 pm & 02:00 pm to 04:30 pm.
Part III B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc./ B.B.A. (Hons/ Gen) Casual/ Repeater College Enrolment 2019-20 has started. Students are required to thoroughly read the notice given below before enroling themselves. Click for Enrolment Notice ↓ Procedure for Casual & Regular Enrolment (B.Com./B.A./B.Sc./ B.B.A) Click here for Federal Bank Branches in Kolkata ↓ List of Federal Bank Branches …
This is for the information of all concerned that as per the directive of University of Calcutta, the Practical Examination of B.Sc. (Hons. and Gen.) Semester II/ IV/ VI (under CBCS) for different subjects of courses of studies will be conducted by the College in digital mode. The schedule along with the procedure for the said …
B.A. & B.Sc. Part I (Honours/General) Calcutta University Examination, 2019 (Under 1+1+1 System) Mark sheet will be distributed tentatively on Thursday, 2nd January 2020. Detailed Schedule for the same will be uploaded soon. Students must bring the following documents: B.A. & B.Sc. Part I Calcutta University Examination, 2019 Admit Card – Original. Valid College ID …
B.Com Students who have missed their Part-II Calcutta University Examination Form Fill-up schedule, are hereby given final chance to fill up their Form as per the following date & time. Venue : Valia Hall Date : Saturday, 31/03/2018 Time: 11:00 AM for B. Com - Casual (Students who have got failed paper in Part II Examination) [...]
B.A./ B.Sc. Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023 (Under CBCS) Marksheets will be distributed on Friday, 01st September 2023 from Valia Hall (ground floor, college campus) between 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm. The exact schedule for individual student is given in the link below.
Click here for Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Marksheet Distribution Schedule
Upon clicking on the above-mentioned link, provide your 10-digit college UID & click on submit button to know your schedule. Take the screenshot of the screen showing your UID, Name, allotted Date, CU Roll No., Time & Counter number as you are required to show the same at the distribution venue.
Important Note:
1. It is mandatory to bring Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Admit Card & Valid College ID Card in order to collect the marksheet.
2. If you have Library books pending for return against your name, please return your Library book/s at the Marksheet collection venue only, before collecting your marksheet.
3. In case if you have INC / Result Not Found / “Absent” in Theory in your Semester VI online Result, then please fill-up this below mentioned Google Form to inform us the same. It is mandatory to fill-up the form by 15/09/2023, as we need to submit these data to University of Calcutta.
Click here to fill-up the Google Form to inform about INC / Result Not Found / “Absent” in Theory in Semester VI online Result
4. B.Com. Semester VI Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Marksheet distribution notice shall be published on college website under notice board section tentatively on 05/09/2023 by 04:00 pm.
B.A./ B.Sc. students who were unable to collect their Semester VI Calcutta University Marksheet on the previously allotted schedule, can collect the same from Ground Floor College Office (Room No. 28) on any days (except holidays) between 10:00 am to 01:00 pm & 02:00 pm to 04:30 pm.
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Part III B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc./ B.B.A. (Hons/ Gen) Casual/ Repeater College Enrolment 2019-20 has started. Students are required to thoroughly read the notice given below before enroling themselves. Click for Enrolment Notice ↓ Procedure for Casual & Regular Enrolment (B.Com./B.A./B.Sc./ B.B.A) Click here for Federal Bank Branches in Kolkata ↓ List of Federal Bank Branches …
This is for the information of all concerned that as per the directive of University of Calcutta, the Practical Examination of B.Sc. (Hons. and Gen.) Semester II/ IV/ VI (under CBCS) for different subjects of courses of studies will be conducted by the College in digital mode. The schedule along with the procedure for the said …
B.A. & B.Sc. Part I (Honours/General) Calcutta University Examination, 2019 (Under 1+1+1 System) Mark sheet will be distributed tentatively on Thursday, 2nd January 2020. Detailed Schedule for the same will be uploaded soon. Students must bring the following documents: B.A. & B.Sc. Part I Calcutta University Examination, 2019 Admit Card – Original. Valid College ID …
Final Date For B.Com Part II Calcutta University Examination Form Fill-Up, 2018